วันพุธที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Sammy Hagar: "How I Met Eddie Van Halen,” Joe Satriani Reunites Band for ‘Surfing’ Celebration, The One Blues Soloing Technique You Must Know…and Much More


Guitar Player Fretwire



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November 30, 2016


Sammy Hagar Tells Jay Leno "How I Met Eddie Van Halen."
This is how a car brought the two legends together.
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Joe Satriani Celebrates 'Surfing with the Alien' at the 2017 G4 Experience
The virtuoso will reunite with his original live band for the first time since 1995.
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Five Things That Could Be Holding Back Your Playing
These are the areas where most guitarists need to improve.
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When in Doubt, Play Minor Pentatonic
Here's how to harness the power of the minor pentatonic scale in any 12-bar blues pattern.
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Guitar Essentials: The One Must-Know Technique for Blues Soloing
This is what most guitarists forget to do when taking a solo.
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This Trick Can Help You Learn the Scales
Here's how to simplify the process of learning scale positions.
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See Lita Ford play the Runaways' "Cherry Bomb" on a cigar-box guitar.
Blues guitarist Sue Foley announces a new album and Kickstarter campaign with cool incentives.
Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood talks about rolling solo in the new and free Guitar Player Vault.
CONTEST: Win a custom PRS Guitar Private Stock guitar. Enter now!
Gear: Crazy Tube Circuits announces the Planet B Overdrive pedal.




Yngwie Malmsteen shreds on long-lost 'That Metal Show' episode.


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System 10 Stompbox Wireless Rebate
For Products Purchased Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2016

Audio-Technica's System 10 Stompbox, featuring two switched TRS balanced 1/4" outputs, provides interference-free wireless operation in the 2.4 GHz range. Purchase between 10/1/2016 and 12/31/2016 and receive a $50 rebate.

Street: $349.95 (less $50 rebate)


Guitar EncycloMedia
12 Tone Music Publishing
Written by GRAMMY® Nominated Music Educator Mike Overly

"Written for the guitarist who has been playing for a while, but is seriously hampered by the feeling that they "don't know what they're doing." Guitar EncycloMedia provides the perfect solution to this problem by efficiently presenting the theoretical basis of music in a way that is clear, easily applied, and does not require the reading of staff notes or TAB." - Randy Roos, Associate Professor of Guitar, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA.

Dramatically improve your playing by easily learning all the chords, scales, arpeggios and modes necessary to improvise something uniquely different every time with every song. With over 323 pages, Guitar EncycloMedia is total fretboard knowledge in one book!

Order now through November 30 to receive FREE SHIPPING on this amazing book that has guitarists everywhere raving about their ability to finally understand the fretboard. Use code ZNVV3UJW at checkout. Domestic orders only.

Guitar EncycloMedia - as essential as your instrument!



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