วันพุธที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

RWEE TechBytes: Trends in Transmitter Technology; Calibrate That Analog Board



Radio World NewsBytes Editor – Brett Moss
Radio World Editor in Chief – Paul McLane
Under the Cocoon
Check out Scott Fybush's look inside the broadcast cocoon at the Empire State Building.
Radio Engineering - 11/30/16

Industry Roundtable: Trends in Transmitter Technology
Sit with our virtual experts as they discuss the latest in transmitter technology.

Calibrate Analog Audio Consoles
Mark Persons looks into calibrating an important piece of audio equipment that many would never think to calibrate — your analog board.

Storage Trends — Exploring Objects and Scale-Out NAS
Karl Paulsen introduces you to the next storage acronym you should be familiar with — NAS.

GeoBroadcast Secures Patent
Targeted transmission moves forward.

Symposium Probes Tech Problems and Cures
James O'Neal attended the recent IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Fall Symposium. Here's his report.

Construct a Cheap Stereo Audio Amplifier
Need a little cheapie utility audio amp? Make your own.

Products of Interest
Henry Matches Mike and m!ka
Sound4 Debuts FM/HD Audio Processors
Telos Alliance Updates Omnia.9sg Stereo Generator
LUCI Mic Interfaces Get Tough
Aldena Adds to Antenna Line
From the Associations
Webinars by SBE
The society is running a year-end special on its collection of informative webinars for the broadcast professional. Here's your chance to bone-up on anything from AM ground systems to HD Radio to IP network security.

Other Cool Stories
The Isocoupler and the SX2.5 (Engineering Radio)
Turntables Are Back (CBS)
ERI Warns "Quiet Period" Will Harm Transition (FierceCable)
How Cognitive Radio Can Help LTE-U and Wi-Fi Get Along (IEEE)
SpaceX Asks to Launch 4,000+ Satellites (Business Insider)
Pressing WW2 Radio Equipment Back Into Service (Hackaday)
Calendar of Events

Government Video Expo
Dec. 7–8
Walter Washington Convention Center

SPERDVAC Old-Time Radio Convention
Jan. 20–21
Orleans Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas

Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Winter Conference
Jan. 25
Madison Concourse Hotel
Madison, Wis.

South Carolina Broadcasters Association Winter Conference
Jan. 26
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
Columbia, S.C.

European Radio Show/Salon de la Radio
Jan. 29–31

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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