วันอังคารที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Newsbytes: DAB’s Present, Future; RTE Restructures

Radio World International NewsBytes Editor – Marguerite Clark

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Top Stories - Nov. 8, 2016
Q&A: Patrick Hannon, president, WorldDAB
As the WorldDAB 2016 General Assembly gets set to open its doors Nov. 9 in Vienna, Radio World spoke to the organization's President Patrick Hannon about DAB developments in 2016 and where he expects progress in 2017.

Joe Gets Name Change, Makeover
The Belgium-based commercial radio station has introduced a new logo, baseline and program roster, reinforcing its presence in the Flemish radio landscape.

News & Technology
IRELAND: Ireland's RTE Restructures Sales Approach
BRAZIL: Brazil Launches DRM Shortwave Test
AUTOMOTIVE: In-Car DAB Radio Increases Across Europe
NEPAL: Radio Nepal Orders GatesAir Transmitters
VIDEO: Considering Video for Audio Engineers
EVENTS: Radio TechCon 2016 Unveils Session Slate
TECH TIPS: Construct a Cheap Stereo Audio Amplifier
PRODUCTS: Wheatstone Introduces Multiplex Power Wizard

Industry Roundup
When People Listen to Music, Radio Still Rules (Media Life Magazine)
A World in Your Ears – Radio's Dramatic Rebirth in the Digital Age (The Conversation)
Turn On, Tune In, Transcribe: U.N. Develops Radio-Listening Tool (NPR)
"Irish Radio Needs Pirate Stations - the Rest Are Too Middle-of-the-Road" (The Journal)
Calendar of Events

RDS2 Info Day
Nov. 8
Maison de la Radio — Radio France

World DAB General Assembly 2016
Nov. 9–10

Radio TechCon
Nov. 28

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

Got a Story to Tell?
Radio World wants to hear about your new facility, engineering initiative or tech tip. Write to rwieditor@nbmedia.com.

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