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New Gear from Lectrosonics, Switchcraft, Mixbus; "Lost" Studio Revived, Gains Audient ASP8024


ProSound News Daily News


Clive Young - Editor


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Top Story - 11.8.16

"Lost" Studio Revived, Gains Audient ASP8024
The vacated central Manchester ITV/Granada buildings in Manchester housed a forgotten recording studio—forgotten until recently when Brendan Williams, program leader of Creative Music Technology at the University of Salford, began working with Dan Parrott and Katie Popperwell to create an all-new facility—Low Four. This was no simple task: Originally built in 1956, the facility was acoustically refurbished in 1979 to be primarily used for UK television orchestral music recording, but by the 1990s, it had been decommissioned and relegated to use as an occasional green room for visiting artists.
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Audio For President
By Rob Tavaglione
I can no longer sit idly by as this nation's politics are domineered by outsiders, rogues, technocrats and ideologues. It is obviously clear what this great nation needs and I intend to provide it with my new third party as I humbly submit myself as a candidate for president of these United States. My new audio-centric party, Americans Who Care About Nothing But Audio, (in the great audio tradition of long and indecipherable acronyms) will lead this nation into the future by deciding all issues based solely on audio engineers' opinions, as producers won't even get a say anymore.
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Quote Of The Week

"[Modern vinyl mastering] has become very sophisticated in some ways, because it's full frequency response, two channels in one groove. That's doing a lot with a very primitive medium, so it's amazing how good it really is. It's come a long way. " —Bernie Grundman of Bernie Grundman Mastering

Click to read this article from the current issue of Pro Sound News.


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