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Radio World NewsBytes: Radio World EAS Coverage 2016


Radio World NewsBytes Editor – Brett Moss
Radio World Editor in Chief – Paul McLane
EAS Coverage 2016
This special Labor Day edition of NewsBytes reviews recent Radio World coverage of the fast-changing world of EAS and the approaching national test on Sept. 28.
EAS — 2016
Did You File Form 1 Yet? That Deadline Is Here
We remind readers that almost every station has to file with the FCC before it can participate in the national test. It's still not too late.

Here's the New EAS Operating Handbook
As the national test approaches a guidebook was issued. You can download it here.

Gorman-Redlich EAS Waiver Request Raises Questions
A grandfather waiver request by an EAS equipment manufacturer sparked a debate about legacy equipment.

Sept. 28 EAS Test Participant "To-Do" List
Communications law firm Pillsbury published a handy blog on things to do before the national test.

A Primer on the September National EAS Test
An equipment manufacturer provides his perspectives on what you need to know about the upcoming EAS test.

Nationwide EAS Test No. 2 Officially Set
The details of the big September national test were released in mid-July.

New EAS Codes Get Green Light
In July we updated the rollout of codes that are aimed at providing some specifics on weather conditions.

Big Regional EAS Test Hits Its Mark
A regional test in several western states went well.

NAB on EAS: Keep It Simple, Keep It Affordable
The association offered its alerting thoughts and suggestions in June.

There's a Lot Happening in the World of EAS
Gary Timm issued a heads-up in March on a number of approaching EAS issues and upcoming tests, providing context for the stories above.

FCC Proposal Would Bring Some New EAS Terminology & Procedures
In January it was apparent that 2016 would be a big year for the Emergency Alert System.

Calendar of Events

IBC 2016
Sept. 8–13
RAI Amsterdam

Media Outlook 2017
Sept. 14
New York

Radio Show
Sept. 21–23
Omni Nashville Hotel

141st AES Convention
Sept. 29–Oct. 1
Los Angeles

SBE Certification Exam Application Deadline
For local chapters exams Nov. 4–20
Sept. 30

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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