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New Free Webinar: HDCP, HDR, and Resolution v. Distance



Join Sound & Video Contractor and Biamp on September 22nd at 2:00 PM EDT for this FREE webinar.


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Key concepts for optimal video system design

Does the picture reach the screen and how does it look? The time-honored quest to deliver the best possible video picture for the budget has a few new twists. Again. Join us as we speak with respected video veteran Chuck Van Dusen about topics including HDCP Pro, why high dynamic range (HDR) has changed the quality conversation, and how to balance variables including resolution, distance, and compression to put the money on the screen where it matters most.

In this webcast you will learn:
-Exactly what HDCP Pro does--and does not--change
-When HDR matters most
-Why quality = distance v. resolution v. type of compression v. (insert variable) and how to balance the equation
-Why I-Frame vs. long-GOP still matters
-Bring your questions

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