วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Make the Most of CEDIA 2016 in Three Simple Steps

CEDIA 2016
Make the Most of CEDIA 2016 in Three Simple Steps

With CEDIA 2016 mere days away, itís time to start thinking about your trip.


An excellent tool to help plan your days so you wonít miss any exhibitors, appointments, training sessions, certification exams, or special events is the CEDIA 2016 app. The app syncs with the My CEDIA Show Planner, which helps you customize your agenda and find the exhibitors youíd like to talk to on the show floor.

lightbulb Travel

If youíre in need of travel information, you can find that here. Dallas is big (címon, itís Texas) — but easy to navigate, and there are plenty of attractions and restaurants to occupy downtime. Here are a few suggestions.

CEDIAstar Celebrate

Thursday nightís CEDIA Celebration at Gilleyís Dallas is more than just drinks and networking (not that thereís anything wrong with that). The evening starts with a cocktail hour at 6:30 sponsored by DISH, then the CEDIA Awards follow from 7:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. After that, itís all about libations, food, and conversation.

Register now for CEDIA 2016 — thereís still time! Weíll see you in Dallas, Sept. 13-17.


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