วันพุธที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Norah O’Donnell to Host B&C Hall of Fame Event

Hall of Fame


Norah O'Donnell, Co-Host for CBS This Morning and Contributor for 60 MINUTES to host this year's 26th Annual B&C Hall of Fame Event! Register Today and experience a night where the industry comes together to network and celebrate the pioneers, visionaries and stars of broadcasting. See our full 2016 Class below!


Robert Kraft

Norah O'Donnell
Co-Host, CBS This Morning

Monica Gadsby

Monica Gadsby Inside the NBA Peter Liguori
Monica Gadsby
Chief Executive Officer
Latin America,
Publicis One 
Inside the NBA
Turner Network Television
Robert K. Kraft
Founder, Chairman and CEO
Chairman's Award Recipient
The Kraft Group /
New England Patriots
Peter Liguori Stuart Sucherman Peter Liguori
Peter Liguori
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Tribune Media Company
Deborah Norville
Inside Edition CBS
Television Distribution
Mark Pedowitz
The CW Television Network
Stuart Sucherman Kevin Reilly Peter Liguori
Michael Powell
President & Chief
Executive Officer
National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
Kevin Reilly
President, TBS and TNT
Chief Creative Officer
Turner Entertainment
Stuart Sucherman
Sucherman Group
Jay Sures Kevin Reilly Jeff Wachtel
Jay Sures
Managing Director
United Talent Agency
Keith Turner
President, Advertising
Sales & Marketing
Univision Communications Inc.
Jeff Wachtel
Chief Content Officer
NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment
Universal Cable Productions
& Wilshire Studios

Monica Gadsby

Visit us at BCHallofFame.com for tickets,
information, and to view entire Class of 2016
as they are announced in the coming weeks

For sponsorship/ticket information please contact:
Jessica Wolin at 212-685-4233 or email at jwolin@bchalloffame.com

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