วันอังคารที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

25 Things You Should Know About ATSC 3.0


The future of broadcasting is here now. Our industry is on the verge of a revolutionary new standard that will change the face of television forever. ATSC 3.0, also known as "next-gen broadcasting", is in its final stages of standardization and broadcasters, equipment vendors and consumer electronics manufacturers are busy developing the necessary gear to deploy the new standard, which will combine the ubiquity of over-the-air broadcasting with the flexibility of IP.

One broadcaster, WRAL, is already on the air testing ATSC 3.0 and by 2017, it will be ready for launch. Unlike the transition to digital, the move to the new standard will be voluntary, and while efforts to secure FCC approval are already in the works, broadcasters need to know what the new standard offers for them now.

How is it different from 1.0?
How much will the transition cost?
Will there be receivers in the marketplace?
How do we get to the new mobile audience without disenfranchising the traditional fixed audience?
What are the video requirements?
What about immersive sound? What are the transmitter requirements?

You have a myriad of questions and TV Technology can help. Join us on Sept. 7 for "25 Things To Know About ATSC 3.0" as we address these questions and many more. Learn about the standard that could determine the very future of your business!

Join TV Technology and Harmonic on September 7th at 12:00 PM EDT for this FREE webinar.



Tom Butts
TV Technology

Deborah McAdams
Executive Editor
TV Technology

Jean Macher
Director Broadcast Market Development

Joe Seccia
Television Market & Product Development Strategy

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