วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Most-Read AV Stories of the Week 7.29.16

This Week's Top Web Stories - 7.29.16
Check out the most-read AV Technology stories from the past week::
10. Extron Adds SMP 352 to H.264 Streaming Family

9. Cirque du Soleil's 'Paramour' Hits the Broadway Stage with Lectrosonics

8. Roland Adds LED Video Wall Cropping, Image Processing Apps for XS-Series Matrix Switchers

7. InfoComm IoT Insights New York to Include Tour of Samsung 837

6. The Watt Family Innovation Center Meets the Needs of Digitally Savvy Students
By James Careless

5. The Anatomy of an Active Learning Classroom

4. 7 Critical Boardroom AV Solutions: Meet the Transformers
By Cindy Davis

3. Byte Sized Lesson in IP/AV: IP Multicasting
By Phil Hippensteel

2. What to Look for in a Lecture Capture Appliance

1. 9 Digital Signage Installations that Merge Experiential Marketing
By Cindy Davis
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