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Radio World NewsBytes: Trimming a Fine; FCC: No on Extensions


Radio World NewsBytes Editor – Brett Moss
Radio World Editor in Chief – Paul McLane
"Audio Is Enjoying a Renaissance Among Young Listeners"
Mark Maben says something is different at WSOU this spring. "High school students are now actively seeking us out, looking for the chance to learn the craft."
Top Stories - 6/1/16
Consent Decree Reduces Fine by 85 Percent
A broadcaster took action to address a long list of violations for which the FCC had assessed it nearly $160,000 in proposed fines. In so doing it won a big reduction in penalty.

FCC Acknowledges ECFS Delays But Won't Extend Most Deadlines
Groups as varied as Protect Internet Freedom, the Taxpayers Protection Alliance and the Tea Party Nation had pressed the commission to grant comment extensions on existing docket items due to backlogs.

News & Technology
WASHINGTON: SANDy Act Goes to Senate
NEWS: SiriusXM Pulls Beck Over Guest's Trump Comments
PODCASTS: Regular Listeners Are Likely to Be Younger, Educated
PEOPLE: Cumulus Media Appoints John Dimick as VPPO
PEOPLE: WinMedia Names Castro as Area Sales Manager
PROGRAMMING: RTDNA — 80% of Station Groups Offer News
PRODUCTS: Waves Rolls Out Broadcast Bundle

Around the Industry
Different Approaches With Food Bank Partnerships (Current)
Can two raise more money together than working separately?

Spotify Has a Plan to Start Actually Making Money (Fortune)
In a quickly evolving industry, the music streamer tries to get ahead of the curve.

Black Radio Veterans Back on Air (Bay State Banner)
A group of radio entrepreneurs seeks to re-create the lively sound of WILD(AM) from the 1970s and 1980s.

Tech Freedom Media Ownership Podcast
Matthew Berry, chief of staff FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, is interviewed on the topic of media ownership regulations by Tech Freedom.

EMCC's Radio Station Breaking New Ground (The Dispatch)
WGTC(LP), based at East Mississippi Community College in Mayhew, Miss., is firing up a radio drama series voiced by student actors and written by a drama and speech instructor.
Calendar of Events

BroadcastAsia 2016
May 31–June 3
Marina Bay Sands

National Association of Audio Information Services Convention
June 1–4
Westin Forrestal Village
Princeton, N.J.

National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters Annual Meeting
June 2–3
Hampton Inn Vanderbilt West End
Nashville, Tenn.

New Mexico Broadcasters Association Annual Summer Convention and Golden Mike Awards Recognition Gala
June 3
Albuquerque Marriott
Albuquerque, N.M.

SBE Certification Exam Application Deadline
For local chapters exams Aug. 5–15
June 3

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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