วันพุธที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Best of Show Awards at NAB – Featuring 280 Cool Products

Take a Tour of New Products From the NAB Show!

The Best of Show Awards program covering the spring NAB Show continues to grow! Now your free Best of Show Program Guide from NewBay Media is hot off the virtual presses and you can read it now.

It's a great way to learn about 280 (!) new products that were introduced at the spring convention for TV/video, radio, audio and pro AV professionals.

This digital Program Guide features all of the nominees who participated in our 2016 NewBay Media Best of Show Awards program, and highlights the winners. The guide allows companies to tell you in their own words why they believe a certain product is noteworthy; and it offers an excellent sampler of new technology from the convention floor.




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