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Register Today for Radio World's "NAB Post-Sees & Debriefing"

A Note from Paul McLane

What new products were shown at the NAB Show?

Audio over IP gear. New transmitters, consoles and processors. The evolution of STL infrastructure. Video for radio.

Did you miss going to the NAB Show, or find yourself too busy to spend much time on the radio floor looking at gear? This webinar is for you.

Our free webinar is all about the gear. If you couldn't make it to NAB, listen in to this one-hour webinar. It's like sitting around with a friend who did go to the show and asking, "So, what did you see?"

I hope you can join me and my Radio World colleagues Marguerite Clark, Michael LeClair, Dan Slentz and Mike Starling as we present our ninth, free, post-convention webinar, sponsored by RCS, Nautel and GatesAir. It's Wednesday, May 18 at noon Eastern time.

The discussion is based on what we -- as radio technology journalists and engineers -- saw and heard on the exhibit floor of the Las Vegas Convention Center. We'll talk about major features, back panels, price points and delivery dates.

Join us on May 18 to find out. Register here and we'll send you a reminder before the event.

Sign up here. Remember, it's free!

"New Products at NAB Show 2016"
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
12:00 PM Eastern US


Paul McLane
Editor in Chief
Radio World

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