วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2559

M&E Technology Agenda: Migration to IP Workflows in the Modern Media Data Center


The days of using a black box to do a function are fading away, and taking its place is software that runs on IT hardware or in a public or private cloud. To the end-using operators, the difference is transparent. But executing this migration from standard broadcast infrastructures to IP infrastructures isn't easy, especially when it comes to playing out traditional linear-based programming from a virtualized environment.

Join Tom Butts, Editor-in-Chief and Al Kovalick, Research Consultant for TV Technology as they engage with Tom Burns, M&E CTO, EMC, and Steve Smith, office of CTO, Imagine Communications about the next generation of IP workflows and the modern media data center. Interact with these experts as they share their vision of the trends driving the transition to an all-IP and converged infrastructure for media workflows, including:

· Transition from dedicated media hardware devices to an all IP facility.
· Fundamental value propositions for converged systems for the media facility.
· Leveraging Hyperscale IT infrastructure for next-generation media workflows.

Join TV Technology and EMC Isilon on June 15th at 2:00 PM EDT for this FREE webinar.



Al Kovalick, Research Consultant, TV Technology

Tom Burns, CTO M&E, EMC/Isilon

Steve Smith, CTO for Cloud, Imagine Communications

Moderator: Tom Butts, Editor-in-Chief, TV Technology

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