With the growing convergence between digital RF and IPTV technology, more encoders are equipped to deliver media streaming over RF and IP distribution systems. The convergence occurs in both directions, with some digital RF shifting to IP, sharing streams over both, and IPTV applications moving to RF distribution. The goal of this course is to introduce the basics of convergent RF/IPTV design, where we look at the best use of either technology, and how to hybridize and enable adaptation for future applications.
Participants attending this course will be able to:
- Determine when a RF, IP or a hybrid RF IPTV system is best suited for a project and know the pros and cons for each solution. - Understand how MPEG2 and MPEG 4 streams are processed and delivered. - Recognize the challenges in delivering HDTV content over IP and work closely with the IT Department to set up and maintain the system properly.
Participants attending this course will earn 1 CTS RU (upon completion of a short InfoComm-required quiz)