วันศุกร์ที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

EXPERIENCE PRS 2016 – Artists Announced

Artists Announced

June 3–4, 2016 at the PRS Factory

PRS Guitars’ eighth open house event – Experience PRS 2016 – is quickly approaching! The "guitar carnival and concert" event will be held at the PRS factory in Stevensville, Maryland on June 3rd and 4th. With main stage concerts on Friday and Saturday night and the addition of two new day stages that will rotate PRS artist performances all day on Saturday, Experience PRS 2016 is gearing up to be equally exciting for guitar and music lovers alike.

Experience PRS 2016 artists include:

Living Colour

Black Stone Cherry

Boscoe France & Band

Bernie Marsden

David Grissom

Emil Werstler

The Kelly Bell Band

Hot Tub Limo

Larry Melton & Todd Bauchspies

The Paul Reed Smith Band

and more!

Event Details:

Location: PRS Guitars, Stevensville, MD

Date: June 3–4, 2016

*The main event will consist of a Friday night concert as well as an all-day factory open house and concert experiences on Saturday.

There will be a private cocktail reception and exclusive sales floor preview for current Signature Club members on Friday night before the concert.

Free Registration Now Open Until May 20th!

We look forward to seeing you in June for another great event!

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