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AV-IQ Creates Custom Online Catalog for AVI-SPL



For more information, contact:
Anthony Savona

World's Largest AV Integrator Teams with the
World's Most Robust AV Database

NEW YORK, NY (April 5, 2016) — AV-iQ, the largest, most comprehensive database of AV product information ever assembled, teamed up with AVI-SPL, the world's leading AV systems integration provider, to create a custom version of the AV-iQ database that was integrated into the newly launched AVISPL.com website. This collaboration has made it easier for AVI-SPL to maintain up-to-date information on the vast array of AV products they offer.

AV-iQ, produced by NewBay, provides the most robust database of product information in the Pro AV industry. Visitors to AV-iQ.com can select from nearly a half-million products from over 2000 brands to research the latest product information the industry has to offer. With a deep, rich set of data, professional end users can find the products they need for their current AV projects and contact either the manufacturer directly or find a local provider to supply products and integration.

This one-stop resource is customizable in order to offer resellers and integrators the opportunity to build their very own catalog of brands and products they represent. Recently AV-iQ created such a resource for AVI-SPL and integrated it into their brand new website. With all the research capabilities needed for end users to find and compare products, they can then request a quote on a single product or create and save project lists and submit quote requests to AVI-SPL on all the products they need.

All AVI-SPL needs to do in order to maintain this database is tell AV-iQ which line of products they'd like to display inside their customized AV-iQ catalog. Updates made in the AV-iQ database dynamically update AVI-SPL's AV-iQ catalog, and users can research and submit quote requests, as well as create project lists to send to AVI-SPL to request project quotes.

"AV-iQ was highly-responsive to our needs, allowing us to positively impact the customer experience and match AVI-SPL processes," says AVI-SPL's Senior VP of Marketing, Kelly Bousman. "Partnering with AV-iQ and utilizing its custom catalog on our newly-designed website has created a huge benefit for our new website's visitors."

"AVI-SPL is the perfect partner to showcase AV-iQ's exceptional custom capabilities," states Mark Loftus, operations manager for AV-iQ. "A centralized industry database for all resellers to pull from and offer to their clients is a time and money saver for integrators and the end user community alike. The more we can streamline the delivery of product information — including pricing — to the channel, the better off the industry is as a whole."

Over 650,000 visitors came to an AV-iQ resource in 2015 to do product research and find local resellers or service providers. More than 2.5 million pages were viewed, making this a proven location for the industry to find what they need in order to succeed in their businesses.

AVI-SPL designs, builds, integrates and supports the systems and environments that enable communication and collaboration. AVI-SPL has highly-trained and certified system engineers throughout offices across the United States, Canada and EMEA in addition to an international network of solution providers in 30 countries. Visit www.avispl.com for more information.

About AV-IQ
AV-iQ provides the most comprehensive pro-AV resource. Explore audiovisual equipment catalogs featuring the brand-new product data comparison tool and BIM library, and check out the case studies library for cutting-edge pro-AV inspiration. Locate nearby service providers with the AV Services Directory and Unified Communications directory. Get exclusive access to product news, industry updates and tools by registering for My-iQ. AV-iQ was acquired by NewBay Media from InfoComm International in August 2014. For more information, visit http://av-iq.com.

NewBay is positioned at the center of the world's most dynamic industries — Music, AV/Pro Audio, Consumer Electronics/Gaming, Video & Broadcast and Education. We connect and inform millions of constituents in these industries through our award-winning content, integrated media capabilities and high-profile network-building and informative events. NewBay proudly serves some of the broadest B-to-B professional and music enthusiast communities in the world through over 35 print and digital publications, more than 35 integrated web and mobile applications, more than 60 e-newsletters, over 50 conferences and conventions, custom marketing services and e-commerce capabilities. Find out more at www.newbaymedia.com.

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