วันอังคารที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Newsbytes: Radio and Peace in Cameroon; AES70 Details; the EBU on ENG

The NAB Show Approaches
Radio World will soon be featuring stories previewing the show and we'll be delivering NAB Show specials such as our NAB Sneak Peeks newsletters. Send us your press releases!

Top Stories - March 1, 2016
Q&A: Community Radio in Cameroon
Civil peace service worker Alexander Vojvoda discusses radio's role in preventing conflicts and the fragmentation of society in Cameroon.

How Does AES70 Fit in the Studio? Think MIDI
Dee McVicker details the advantages of the AES70 standard and what it means for the audio network environment.

The EBU Discusses ENG Technology Trends
With 73 active members in 56 countries, and 21 associate members, the European Broadcasting Union has a global perspective on the latest technological developments.

News & Technology
CANADA: HERE Launches HD Traffic in Canada
CABSAT: BW Broadcast Highlights New Products
SPAIN: AEQ Renovates OndaCero's Audio Consoles
EVENTS: WorldDAB Readies for Geneva Int'l Motor Show
U.S.: Alpha Media Creates Fourth-Largest Radio Company
DUBAI: Netia to Highlight Gear at CABSAT
NAB EXHIBITOR VIEWPOINT: Ben Palmer, Arrakis Systems
UAE: Pravasi Bharathi Launches Malayalam Digital Station
USER REPORT: Still Zephyr After All These Years
PRODUCTS: AudioScience Debuts Sound Cards

Industry Roundup
Te Mangai Pāho Want Iwi Radio to Increase Listenership (Maori Television)
Three Asian Radio Stations Go National on DAB (Biz Asia)
First Online Kannada FM Radio Channel - Namm Radio (New Indian Express)
Kenya Granted Superior Radio Frequencies (All Africa)
Radio France Is Selling off Part of Its Vintage Electronic Music Vinyl Collection
BBC Radio 5 Live Could Go Online-Only in Radical Cost Cuts (The Guardian)

Calendar of Events

ABU Digital Broadcasting Symposium
Feb. 29–March 3
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

NABA Future of Radio & Audio Symposium
March 3
Mexico City

March 8–10
Dubai World Trade Centre Dubai, UAE

Radiodays Europe
March 13–15

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

Got a Story to Tell?
Radio World wants to hear about your new facility, engineering initiative or tech tip. Write to rwieditor@nbmedia.com.

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