วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Must See Fiber & Cable

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Fiber and cable are central to bringing together all the elements of a production and getting it to air, whether in the field, in the studio or in harsh environments. This special promotional guide highlights several must-see connectivity products.

Fischer Connectors | Nemal Electronics | Tactical Fiber Systems

Is It Tough Enough? New Rugged Fiber Fit for Outdoor Broadcast Applications

Fischer FiberOptic connectors and cabling solutions offer the best quality and stability needed for broadcast applications, combined with easy mating and easy field cleaning. Singlemode and multimode with low back reflection, they perform perfectly in harsh and extreme environments. Sealed to IP68 mated; IP67 unmated. These rugged push-pull fiber connectors for both indoor and outdoor applications come precabled for maximum performance and time-saving, or you can choose your own cable. Save your back by converting SMPTE to fiber only to significantly reduce cable weight. Check out the easy cleaning video at www.fischerconnectors.com/fiberoptic, or call 800-551-0121 for a demo.

Website: www.fischerconnectors.com

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Neutrik OpticalCon Assemblies and Adapters for HD/Broadcast at Nemal

Nemal manufactures standard and custom OpticalCon cables, assemblies, panels and adapters to ST, SC, LC and other fiber connectors. They are available in Duo, Quad, SMPTE and MTP; singlemode or multimode; and IP65 for harsh environments (Advanced) or indoor (Lite) versions. See Neutrik OpticalCon Advanced and the new LITE connectors along with Nemal's complete SMPTE interconnect product line at their NAB Show Booth C2514. Nemal is an authorized Neutrik COCA and full-line Neutrik distributor. Nemal cable is approved for use with OpticalCon connectors. Call for more information: Miami, Fla., 305-899-0900; Sao Paulo, Brasil 11-5535-2368, or email info@nemal.com

Website: www.nemal.com

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With Billions at Risk…SpaceX Depends on TFS DuraTAC™ Armored Cables!

Tactical Fiber Systems (TFS) is honored to be SpaceX's vendor of choice for fiber cables. SpaceX chose TFS DuraTAC™ steel armored tactical cables because they're virtually crush-proof… up to 10 times stronger than competitive brands… and thinner — enabling more cable on smaller reels for space-saving transport. Simply put, TFS DuraTAC™ cable assemblies with TFS stainless steel Magnum™ connectors sets the bar for performance, durability and reliability. Available with two or four fiber cores on 250- to 2000-foot reels for easy deployment. DuraTACTM cables with Magnum™ connectors can be used with any fiber system via Magnum™ cable adapters and accessories. Checkout videos at www.tacticalfiber.com/tacticalfiberreel.php or call 877-777-7147 for more info.

Website: www.TacticalFiber.com

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