Armed with their trimmers, sheep shearers from more than 25 countries travel to the small rural town of Masterton in New Zealand every year to compete for The Golden Shears—the most coveted title in the international sheep shearing calendar, broadcast live from a 1,600-seat stadium.
by Jaques Sonyieux The Vaccines are on a roll. Having released their critically acclaimed English Graffiti album in May (their third album in four years), the band has already toured the world, opening for The Rolling Stones, Muse and others while selling out mid-sized halls around the U.S. Produced by Dave Fridmann and Cole M. Greif-Neill and recorded at Fridmann's studio in upstate New York, English Graffiti is a refined and polished recording.
"People don't have the budget to score [with an orchestra] when you're working on million-dollar-and-under pictures. But if you can give them a taste of what it would feel like to have a real string section, then it's your responsibility to do it." - Marc Vanocur, Media Toaster