Translators in the Spotlight; WRC-15 Helps Broadcasters
Excellence, Pending Radio World this week will announce the recipient of its 2015 Excellence in Engineering Award. Who will it be? Watch this space!
Top Stories - 11/30/15
Translators Getting Their Moment in the Sun With AM revitalization becoming a reality, translators are a hot topic. Susan Ashworth speaks with Ched Keiler of the National Translators Association about the bright new day.
Dear Mr. Kozol: The FCC Has Bad News for You Mitchell Lazarus of law firm Fletcher Heald and Hildreth writes: "That cell tower south of where you live, over by I-395, is picking up interference. The FCC thinks it's coming from your residence, so they stopped by to see you about it last April."
WMRC Radio Station of the Year Award (MetroWest Daily News) The Milford, Mass.-based AM won its sixth "Station of the Year" award at Massachusetts Broadcasters Association's Annual Sound Bites Radio and Television Conference and Award Ceremony.