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Register Today: IP Networking for Media: a post-IBC review


The Serial Digital Interface (SDI) for video & audio was first standardized in 1989. Although the standard has since been extended several times, the current requirement of 4x 3G coax cables for UHD 10-bit 4:2:2 60p broadcast and post-production is unwieldy at best.

Ethernet networks and storage are used extensively in content creation and distribution, and have proved to be increasingly more flexible and scalable over time. Is the reign of SDI finally over?

Tom Burns, EMC's CTO for Media & Entertainment presents a post-IBC perspective on UHD production and post, examines network and storage solutions for content creators, reviews the state of real-time video over IP transmission, and tries to predict how far off the "Software-defined Facility" really is.

Join us for a detailed look at the current scope of infrastructure solutions in an era of rapid change.

Join on November 10, 2015 — 12:00 PM EST.



Tom Burns
Tom Burns currently serves as CTO, Media & Entertainment for EMC/Isilon. He has previously re-engineered film- and tape-based workflows at Technicolor, built a boutique post-production facility in Shanghai, deployed the 77th fastest supercomputer worldwide for a 2006 animated feature, and was the architect of the converged IP and SDI infrastructure for Oprah Winfrey's 1st network, Oxygen (now NBC/Universal). He is a founding member of the StudioSysAdmins social networking site, and has previously spoken on the topic of technology and cultural change at conferences including the HPA (Hollywood Post Alliance) and SIGGRAPH.

Deborah McAdams
Executive Editor, TV Technology

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