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What will the next-generation of media workflows mean for your business?

What will the next-generation of media workflows mean for your business?

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With all the changes in the Media industry, the decisions you make today are critical to future workflows. Understanding how the latest solutions and technologies for 4K production, IP workflows, and OTT delivery can give you powerful operational advantages.

At EMC, we believe the media industry is about creating and delivering great content—not about managing infrastructure. That's why we invite you to stop by our EMC booth #7.H10 or book a meeting at the show. We can share how companies like yours have simplified and future-proofed their storage to make adapting to next-generation workflows easier, faster, and more cost-effective.

The EMC Isilon Media & Entertainment Team

Visit EMC Isilon at IBC 2015
11-15 September
Stand #7.H10

Schedule Meeting >>

Live Partner Demos

Stop by our booth to view new technologies and live partner demonstrations




MXFserver Technology Workshop

You're invited to attend the pre-IBC MXFserver workshop and discover the unique workflow advantages and technical configuration of the MXFserver collaborative editing solution.

Register here >>

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