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Reach New Customers and Applications with Lower-Priced ZonePRO Zone Processors

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dbx ZonePro Digital Zone Processors

Reach New Customers and Applications with Lower-Priced ZonePRO Zone Processors!

The prices of dbx ZonePRO Digital Zone Processors have been reduced dramatically, bringing new possibilities to countless applications.

A limited project budget no longer has to mean limited processing functionality. Easy-to-deploy digital processing is now an affordable alternative to traditional, basic analog solutions.

Lockout functionality ensures that, even with physical access, unauthorized individuals will not have access to parameter settings. This means that a ZonePRO system will continue providing the same great audio as the day it was commissioned.

Sophisticated dbx algorithms, such as Advanced Feedback Suppression (AFS™) and AutoWarmth®, can now be utilized in lower-budget systems. Smaller commercial venues rarely have on-site audio technicians, so guarding against feedback and ensuring high fidelity audio at all levels is invaluable for the creation of an outstanding customer experience and repeat business.

Simple, affordable wall controllers provide straightforward system control for non-technical users, allowing staff to focus on customers as opposed to the audio system.

Learn more about ZonePRO at visit www.dbxpro.com.


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