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Online Video Vs. Linear TV at the Hispanic TV Summit

Hispanic Summit

The Most Critical Issue Facing Hispanic TV
Isn't English vs. Spanish.
It's Online Video vs. Linear TV.

The 13th Annual Hispanic TV Summit brings together leading execs working in linear and online television, sports, digital, marketing and advertising in both Hispanic and general markets for fresh perspectives on how to actively compete for this booming audience.

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Featured Session:
Is Online the Answer? The Attraction of Online Distribution and TV Everywhere for Hispanic Services

Aymeric Genty

Aymeric Genty

Julián Giraldo Suárez

Julián Giraldo

RCN International

Mark López

Mark López
EVP and
General Manager
Univision Digital

Tom Mohler

Tom Mohler
Olympusat Holdings
Pete Salgado

Pete Salgado
Founder & CEO

Let's get to the heart of the matter. There are more services than space in a traditional cable or pay TV channel lineup. Is online video the answer? If so, what are the challenges and how are programmers and providers working together to address them? What options do traditional programmers have now?

Click To Register

Early Bird Savings ends September 18!
Visit HispanicTVSummit.com to register today and save!

To view all of the NYC Television week events, visit NYCTelevisionweek.com

This Summit is produced by Schramm Marketing Group.

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