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PAR E-Reviewsletter featuring Primacoustic FlexiBooth and VoxGuard VU Acoustic Treatment Products

August 27, 2015
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Today's Review

Primacoustic FlexiBooth and VoxGuard VU Acoustic Treatment Products
By Strother Bullins
I’ve long found Primacoustic—the acoustic materials firm birthed from Canada’s respected Radial Engineering—to be a rich source of absorptive materials for improving the many lackluster environments we must often use in audio capture. Not only are they attractive, fire-resistant and well made, they boast well chosen sound absorption characteristics for most residential, commercial and institutional (read: non-acoustically designed) spaces. In other words, Primacoustic “gets it.” Below I detail two unique and affordable products that may help solve some of the common acoustics issues you, or your clients, most often face. More »

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Today's Blog
Cutting The Clutter: My Year-Long Rig Reduction Regime
I hear futurists theorize that tomorrow's adults won't place so much value on having belongings. They say our borderline-hoarder mentality has become passe, tacky and self-destructive, and that too much stuff creates greed, confusion and indecision.

The thing is, we audio engineers are notorious for having, collecting and bragging about our rig—our ever-growing and oh-so-precious kit. Producers smile confidently for the camera against a chaotic backdrop of racks, stacks and jacks that somehow indicate the value and depth of their expertise.

I found myself “too defined by my belongings,” wanting to do more with less, and so I began a journey of rig reduction about a year ago. The goal? To reduce choices in the studio, shrink the kit, force quicker decision-making and increase quality. Previously, I've always taken on a “get one of everything” mentality, hoping to never utter, “I can't do that” to a customer. That was the right course for the first two decades, but recent times left me with a seemingly ever-smaller room crowded by stacks of questionable gear. Indeed, I had an answer for any question, but certain pieces would sit for years at a time between queries. More »

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Months of PAR's digital edition reviews are just a click away! More »

Today's Video
Eventide Stompboxes: New Pre/Post Feature
Watch the following video for a demonstration of Eventide's Pre/Post Routing feature, new to the Stompboxes Series. More »

Mix Nashville Professional Audio Exhibition and Seminar Series, August 29, 2015, Nashville »
139th AES International Convention, October 29-November 1, New York City »

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