วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Cumulus’ Gary Kline Speaks; New EAS Codes Explained; SBE Winners



New Faces
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Radio Engineering - 08.05.15

Five Questions: Gary Kline
TechBytes talks to the senior vice president of engineering for Cumulus Media about recruiting young engineering talent and absorbing engineering plants.

New EAS Event Codes Proposed
A detailed look at the proposed new EAS codes.

SBE Announces 2015 National Award Winners
Cox Media's Roz Clark leads this year's honorees.

Earn Your Extreme Engineering Badge
John Bisset thinks that engineers should come up with a badge for recognizing top-flight engineers.

NAB Responds to FCC on Wireless Mics
Shoot out at the duplex gap.

Teleport and Satellite Cybersecurity Guide Released
Hacking attempts are up. The World Teleport Association has issued a security report.

Products of Interest
The A-game for Mic/Headphone Amplifiers
Neutrik Upgrades USB Connections
Eventide Delay Adds WheatNet-IP
Juicy Jobs

Broadcast software developer RCS is hiring. Check out that at Radio World's Classifieds.

Other Cool Stories
Understanding Web Apps, SaaS for Media (TV Technology)
Car Hack Uses Digital-Radio Broadcasts to Seize Control (BBC)
Convoluted FCC Tower Approval Process (CommLawBlog)
Amateur Radio Vanity Call Sign Fee to Disappear (ARRL)
Hope or Hype: The Revolution in Africa Will Be Wireless (NPR)
What Do You Do With an Old Supercomputer? Crush It! (IEEE)
Calendar of Events

Texas Association of Broadcasters 62nd Annual Convention & Trade Show
Aug. 5–6
Renaissance Austin Hotel
Austin, Texas

The Cloud Summit
Aug. 5–6
Raleigh, N.C.

SBE Local Chapter Certification Exams
Aug. 7–17

Nebraska Broadcasters Association Annual Convention
August 11–12
Ramada Plaza Omaha
Omaha, Neb.

Tennessee Association of Broadcasters Annual Convention
August 11–12
Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Alabama Broadcasters Engineering Academy
ABA Convention Engineering Day
Aug. 14
ABA Training Center
Hoover, Ala.

Alabama Broadcasters Association 2015 Annual Conference
August 14–15
Hyatt Regency Birmingham — The Wynfrey Hotel
Birmingham, Ala.

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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