Los Angeles-based band Health turned to a new workflow focused on direct guitar recording through BAE Audio 1073 preamplifiers for its album Death Magic, released on August 7.
by Erica Basnicki For years I have regretted my pierced tragus. The tragus is that little flap of skin that covers the opening in to your ear canal. The actual piercing is remarkably painless (not a lot of nerve endings there). Trying to fit in-ear monitors or earbud-type headphones around the ring? Impossible – and very painful. An earbud never stays in place for long so I can either jam it back in place every few seconds, live with over-ear headphone sweat (yum), or accept the poor stereo imaging from having one headphone further away from my ear than the other. Then, it happened. On an otherwise ordinary day at Prolight + Sound, Frankfurt, some benevolent (and body-modification sympathetic) deity guided me to the Ultimate Ears booth.
"Your biggest comparison is trying to make the live show sound as good as the record, but what's gratifying about the live performance is that you have an immediate response from the people and performers."-Tom Young, FOH Engineer, Tony Bennett/Lady Gaga