วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Andrew Finlayson to Keynote News Tech Summit

News Tech Summit

Sheraton, Atlanta Airport Hotel

Apply now to attend the 15th annual
News Technology Summit on October 7-8 in Atlanta, GA

Join your peers in this private networking and educational event of broadcast television station group and network technology executives involved in the acquisition, production and delivery of news, along other senior technology leaders from within the cable, satellite and related television-centric enterprises. Attendees will exchange views and discuss the impact of technology advancements and marketplace changes on their news operations, business models and plans for their future.

Announcing Keynote Speakers:

Brian Lawlor

SVP Television
The E.W. Scripps Company


Andrew Finlayson
Andrew Finlayson

SVP Digital Media Strategies


Alex Wellen
Alex Wellen

Chief Product Officer

Featuring panel topics like:

  • IP-Based Infrastructure: Challenges & Opportunities
  • Developments in Field Acquisition and Newsroom Workflow
  • File & Cloud-Based News Workflow
  • Track, Store, Archive & Monetize News Content
  • The Multiplatform / OTT Newsroom
  • Newsroom Graphics & Virtual Reality
  • Future Technology and Trends

Qualified Attendee Benefits:
  • Opportunities to network...
  • A complimentary full participation package that includes hotel accommodations and meals to ensure a cost-effective experience.
  • Enjoy luncheon and dinner Keynote addresses from industry experts and visionaries.
  • Take part in peer-exchange sessions, discussion panel Q&A's, and other daily learning experiences.
  • Accelerate your strategic knowledge of next generation news technology solutions, advancements, capabilities, and challenges.
  • Network with colleagues and get one-on-one access to high-profile industry experts.

who attends
To qualify for an invitation, visit: NewsTechnologySummit.com
Or contact
Rebecca Shottland:
917-281-4782 rshottland@nbmedia.com


For sponsorship opportunities:
Eric Trabb
212-378-0400 x 532
Louis Hillelson

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