AEA R88 mk2 Stereo Ribbon Microphone By Rich Tozzoli Working at Clubhouse Studios in Rhinebeck, New York with engineer/producer Neil Dorfsman, he and owner/engineer Paul Antonell put up an AEA R88 mk2 stereo ribbon microphone on drummer Ray Levier's kit. We were going for a big, wide, powerful drum sound, and they placed the mic about six feet from the kit and about five feet high, running it through two channels of 31102s, from a Neve 8068. As the R88 is a passive stereo ribbon mic with both elements fixed at 90 degrees in one housing, it can be used for both XY and MS recording. More »
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Studio Sense: Dear Client, Please Don't … By Rob Tavaglione Dear Client, It's a pleasure to work with you and watch your musical vision take form. Your entourage is a nice group of folks, too. I appreciate the way you keep appointments, pay on time and care about the condition of this studio. But there are a few things you're expecting of me—nothing horrible, really—just little things that are distracting me from getting the job done on time and within budget. Indeed, I am here to serve you, but allow me to share a few pointers that can take quality, cooperation and efficiency to the next level …More »