Minson Leaves Time Warner Cable Chief financial officer Artie Minson is the first high-ranking executive at Time Warner Cable to leave since the cable provider struck a $78.7-billion merger deal with Charter Communications, becoming president of online office-space provider WeWork.more
RELATED: Tech Winners, Losers in Charter's M&A Play As Charter Communications's proposed acquisitions of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks move forward, expect the angst among suppliers to build as they position themselves for the outcome. Some could find themselves on the outside looking in, while others are firmly in the catbird's seat. For still others, notably Arris, they present a mixed bag. more
Rasulo to Leave Disney Walt Disney Co. chief financial officer Jay Rasulo, who had been expected to leave the company after being passed over earlier this year as CEO Robert Iger's heir apparent, will step down from his post on June 30. more
Congress Takes Crack At Lifeline Reform Democratic Sens. Chris Murphy (Conn.) and Cory Booker (N.J.), and Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) have reintroduced the Broadband Adoption Act, a bill to modernize the FCC's Lifeline program, which subsidizes phone -- and soon broadband -- service to low-income Americans. more
Caitlyn Jenner to Receive ESPY Arthur Ashe Award On the same day Caitlyn Jenner made her public debut, ESPN said the Olympian formerly known as Bruce Jenner would receive the ESPY for personal courage. more