วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Reminder - New White Paper from Intel: Personalize Retail with Secure Interactivity


Retailers around the globe are discovering the value of personalized retail experiences. By using the latest technology to engage with their customers, retailers can create customized experiences that build foot traffic and help close sales. In addition, these technologies deliver security upgrades that build consumer confidence and help stores avoid costly data breaches.

The Personalize Retail with Secure Interactivity white paper reviews three technologies reshaping the retail landscape:Ultra HD 4K interactive experiences created by the 5th generation Intel® Core™ processor family; mobile point of sale (MPOS) tablets powered by Intel® Atom™ processors; and security with Intel® Data Protection Technology for Transactions (Intel® DPTT). We will explain how each of these technologies work, and consider how these technologies can be used together to create a seamless, personalized retail experience. Learn more by downloading this FREE whitepaper.

Click here to start reading.


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