Gibson Les Paul LP Series LP6 Reference Monitors By Strother Bullins The unveiling of Gibson’s Les Paul Reference Monitor Series at last year’s 137th AES Convention allowed us a first look at the Les Paul guitar’s aesthetics overlaid on a studio monitor. Based on initial buzz, the LP Series was just a bit shocking to those averse to “style forward” pro audio products, though absolutely logical with a marketer’s eye. After all, studio dwellers often stare into speakers while working and listening intently; why shouldn’t our “instruments” resemble one of the most attractive ones we regularly record? But for our purposes, the real question is this: Has Gibson Brands’ Pro Audio division—a group including top studio monitor brand KRK Systems and portable PA purveyors Cerwin-Vega—built another accomplished reference monitor? More »
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Today's Blog
PAR Advice: An Affordable Mic for Singer/Songwriters By Rob Tavaglione As it happens from time to time, I get requests for advice from fellow engineers. Sure, there's questions about compressors or methodologies, but the most common is the good ol' “what mic should I buy?” question.
This recent inquiry from Terry Moore of Abstract Studios in Houston—asking about affordable mic purchases for singer/songwriters—seemed like it might be informative for a lot of our readers. Terry was agreeable with sharing, so here you go ... More »
PAR-Tube: Tozzoli's 3rd Annual St. John Recording/Review Retreat, Video 2 By Rich Tozzoli In the May 2015 issue of Pro Sound News, Software Editor Rich Tozzoli covers his third trip to St. John USVI with his musician/audio production friends in which they spend two weeks recording, performing and vacationing, not necessarily in that order. In this video, Rich's cohorts take you on a tour of the main house, or "Studio A,” detailing the very-portable, fully-pro grade gear goodies in use, all to a freshly-recorded Reggae soundtrack. More »