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|  |  |  | | May 2015 | In this issue, we review 13 pieces of gear from Dunlop, Supro, Taylor, Korg, JHS, Keeley, and more. In addition, we honor funk-punk guitar legend Hillel Slovak in Forgotten Heroes, Pete Huttlinger shares his secrets to sounding good onstage, and we offer 10 ways to optimize your guitar. We also check in with former-Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher, AWOLNATION's Aaron Bruno, guitarist Mike Rutherford, and track down BilT Guitars' main man Tim Thelen. |  |  | READ ONLINE FOR FREE |  |  | DOWNLOAD OUR APPS |  |  | GET A PRINT SUBSCRIPTION | | |  |  |  |  |  | Click to Enter to Win a Juliet Collective Orangecream | This distortion dreams of the days when men were men, the amps were dimed, and the audience left the show deaf. It's designed to make your notes smooth as butter and as sustain-y as Nigel's '59 sunburst or run it right behind a compressor to set an overall input gain that can still be finely tuned with your guitar's controls. Leather pants and trashed hotel rooms are in your near future. | Enter to win... | | |
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