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GV NEWS DEBRIEFING – Apr. 29, 2015

Top News - April 29, 2015
Command Centers Train Astronauts, Maintain Safety
The nerve centers in today's high-tech world, command and control centers feature massive video walls that allow security personnel to monitor often a wide range of activity from one central location. Read More»

Prison System Educates a Staff of 35,000 with Specialized Training Videos
Responsible for creating educational and training videos to help 35,000 staff members, such as wardens and correctional officers, who oversee the institutions and more than 200,000 inmates, acquire and maintain subject matter expertise in their functional areas. Read More»


FSR Sponsors First Female Candidate in 8th Annual Cabling Skills Challenge
Lana McAdams as the first female candidate to compete in the 8th Annual Cabling Skills Challenge held at BICSI's 2015 Winter Conference in Orlando, Fla. Read More»

Fire & Rescue Emergency Response Center Builds New EOC
The Bouches-du-Rhône Fire & Rescue Department (SDIS 13) is involved in more than 115,000 interventions annually—including 6,481 fires in 2014. Its regional command headquarters, located in Marseille, France, is responsible for overseeing operations for 62 fire stations. Read More»

Multiviewers Are Now 'Multi-Doers'
It doesn't really matter if it's in a studio, tech core, remote production, or production vehicle, rear space matters, viewing space matters, power consumption matters and workflow matters. No matter what your task, there is likely a multiviewer for you. Read More»

SWITCHERS: Crestron Expands Family of 4K Multimedia Presentation Switchers

CAMERAS: AJA Hits the Road for #TryCION North America and Asia Pacific Tour

TECHNOLOGY: NAB Show 2015 Pushes the Boundaries

WHITEPAPER: High Speed Bridge to Cloud Storage

WHITEPAPER: Controlling and Monitoring Studio Displays

WHITEPAPER: Today's Reality for Moving Large Content Files

WHITEPAPER: Gaining Competitive Advantage from Switching and Extension

WHITEPAPER: Selecting Next-Generation Video Servers

WHITEPAPER: The Move to IP-Based Broadcast Infrastructure and the Impact of Object-Based Audio

WHITEPAPER: Hybrid Software as a Service (SaaS)

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