วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Web Inventor Q&A, Networked Audio Webcast, Windows 10 and 8K, Glass Isn’t Gone

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Today's Top Stories
#1 Top 12 Answers From Sir Tim Berners-Lee's Reddit AMA
  via Wired
  World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee joined Reddit for an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session yesterday, an event that kicked off the #maketechhuman campaign. The Reddit AMA was a great opportunity to share what excites and worries us about the future of technology. More»
Why This Matters: Berners-Lee's answers to some rather deep questions about where technology is heading are beautifully simple. Technology at its roots is still just technology; it's what we do with it that matters—but we already knew that. Also check out the high-tech paper napkin responses from TED conveners to the question, "What excites you about where tech is taking us?" -Jessaca Gutierrez

#2 Science Geek: Engineers create chameleon-like artificial skin that shifts color on demand
  Via The Optical Society
  Borrowing a trick from nature, engineers from the University of California at Berkeley have created an incredibly thin, chameleon-like material that can be made to change color -- on demand -- by simply applying a minute amount of force. More»
Why This Matters: In short this is about "structural color"—controlling light with tiny structures rather than traditional optics, kind of like how a beetle or butterfly does. It's one of those stories about something researchers have been trying to do for a long time without success, until now. Where it fits into AV is the potential for better color in outdoor displays. -Cynthia Wisehart

#3 Webcast Wednesday, April 1: Sound Quality for Networked Audio
  Speaker:John Storyk, WSDG
  Why is the critical speech of intelligibility audio networks so frequently compromised? Moving signal from point A to point B is never enough--clarity and intelligibility are the core requirements of any network. In this webcast, internationally recognized expert and educator John Storyk will focus on the sending and the receiving ends of any networked audio environment and how to improve the listening/communication experience in workplace, educational and recreational spaces. More»
Why This Matters: The network alone is not enough, you must also know how to achieve clarity and intelligibility. Please join me for the webcast on April 1st which will cover best practices for sound quality in networked audio including, acoustics, capture, playback, room tuning and more. -Cynthia Wisehart

4. Big Vulnerability in Hotel Wi-Fi Router Puts Guests at Risk (Kim Zetter, Wired)

5. Pexip Infinity videoconferencing extends museum's virtual learning reach (Paddy Baker, Installation)

6. 13-inch Broadwell MacBook showdown: Should you go Pro or get an Air? (Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica)

7. Windows 10 tipped to support 8K resolution (Shane McGlaun, Slash Gear)

8. Your Apple Watch Will Turn Your Lights On and Off (Dan Kedmey, Time)

9. Corning's 'Film and Win' Video Competition Promises $10,000 (via AV Network)

10. From the Wire@SVCOnline: Platinum Tools Features New PRO 6-in-1 Screwdriver at 2015 ISC West

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