วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

NAB’s Weller Unhappy With FCC Plan; e911 Soon to Launch


Deadline Extended for Best of Show Awards
If the crush of nominations we received Friday is any indication, it's going to be an exciting year for the NewBay Media "Best of Show" Awards at the NAB Show! Numerous manufacturers asked for more time, so we've extended the final deadline to this Friday, April 3. Exhibitors, enter here.

Top Stories - 03.30.15

NAB to FCC: Reverse Plan to Close Enforcement Field Offices
NAB VP of Spectrum Policy Bob Weller is firing back at an FCC plan to close a large proportion of its field offices. Previously with the FCC, Weller says that the reduction would leave the agency "inadequately prepared" to handle RF spectrum disputes.

e911FM Is Prepped for Launch
Jump to Go, a datacasting company with long ties to radio, is preparing to launch a supplemental emergency information system for radio stations.

News & Technology
INTERNATIONAL: Social Involvement Entwines Audience
DIGITAL RADIO: Silicon Labs Pumps Up In-Car Radio ICs
STREAMING: Spotify Provides Music for PlayStation4
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: Viva NAB ... and Las Vegas
PROGRAMMING: Westwood One Syndicates Brandmeier
NAB SNEAK PEEK: ESE Has the Clocks

Around the Industry

Higher Ad Spend on Digital Will Weigh on CBS Radio (Forbes)
The magazine's analysis says that the continued increase in Internet advertising will continue to erode radio revenues. It also notes hedge fund pressure to spin the company's radio properties off.

Wiley Rein Lays Off Lawyers and Staffers (ABA Journal)
The Washington-based communications law specialist is laying off personnel after an efficiency review.

FAA Cracks Down on Drone Videos (RTDNA)
The news directors group is following the government agency's developing rulings on drones with an eye on how they will affect its members' newsgathering activities.

Greater Clark Invests $4.5M in Radio, TV Effort (Courier-Journal)
A southeastern Indiana county is ponying up funds for a significant effort in radio/TV education/production at a pair of high schools.

Calendar of Events

Public Radio Engineers Conference
April 9–10
Tuscany Suites
Las Vegas

SBE Certification Exam Application Deadline
For local chapters exams June 5–15
April 10

NAB Show
April 11–16
Las Vegas

Nautel Users' Group Event
April 12
Riviera Hotel
Las Vegas

RAIN Summit West
April 12
Las Vegas

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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