Mark Barry, lead sound consultant for extreme reality television series Cold Water Cowboys, employed Lectrosonics Digital Hybrid Wireless systems during the current season, which wraps soon.
by PSN Staff At the NAMM Show, Universal Audio took visitors back in time via the UA Heritage Studio, a photo op area filled with gear and hosts, circa the late 1950s. UA recently shared online all 1,280 photos taken over the four days of NAMM, so here's just a few pro audio people we spotted while cruising through the shots....
"Everything we said was going to happen happened We had to explain a tricky situation and pretty much everything we said has happened. We didn't say our stock was going to double and we were going to be in the top performing stocks of the year. We didn't say that. But that has been [additional] good news, one of reasons we were invited to be [back] on NASDAQ for example, to sound the opening bell, was our performance for the year."Louis Hernandez, Jr., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Avid.