วันอังคารที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

FCC Defends Closure Plan; Weller Scouts Spectrum for NAB


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Top Stories - 03.31.15

Planned Field Office Closures Draw Scrutiny
The FCC is insistent that its proposal to close almost half of its field offices will not hamper its duties and response capabilities.

Weller Scouts Spectrum for NAB
The NAB VP for spectrum policy, who recently made news criticizing the FCC plan to reduce field offices, talked with Radio World's Leslie Stimson recently about the increasingly crowded RF spectrum and RF safety issues.

News & Technology
PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Travailleurs Cordistes
BUSINESS: WDEL to Get Simulcast
BUSINESS: Bird Technologies Joins BIG
DIGITAL RADIO: Czech Radio Sets Off Toward Digital
AUDIENCE: Nielsen Certifies TuneGenie
NAB SNEAK PEEK: BW Broadcast Launches New Products

Around the Industry

Top Musicians Team With Jay Z on Tidal (L.A. Times)
It's been a week or so since a new Internet music streaming service was announced/launched. The omnipresent Jay Z has now jumped into the streaming arena with "Tidal." He has an impressive list of celebrity partners in the venture.

CBC News, Radio-Canada Cut Positions (Montreal Gazette)
The Canadian news operation is laying off 144 people across the country, shrinking English-language local services in a bid to save $15 million, while on the French side, Radio-Canada announced 100 job cuts.

Rethinking Indecency Rules (Columbia Journalism Review)
The $325,000 fine against WDJB(TV) for "indecency" causes Jonathan Peters to argue that such fines are out of place in the modern multiplatform digital media world.

Two Centenarian Radio Amateurs Honored by Their States (ARRL)
Arlene Clay, KL7OT, of Alaska, and Greef Beckham, W7FVM, of Utah, were recently saluted for their activities. Clay, 102, was inducted into the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame while Beckham, 100, was honored by the Utah House of Representatives for his 100th birthday. Beckham is thought to be the last remaining survivor of the original naval search team looking for Amelia Earhart.

Pac-Man on Google Maps (USA Today)
A little retro-fun in anticipation of April Fool's Day.

Calendar of Events

Public Radio Engineers Conference
April 9–10
Tuscany Suites
Las Vegas

SBE Certification Exam Application Deadline
For local chapters exams June 5–15
April 10

NAB Show
April 11–16
Las Vegas

Nautel Users' Group Event
April 12
Riviera Hotel
Las Vegas

RAIN Summit West
April 12
Las Vegas

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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