WAKE UP WITH THE LATEST ON MULTICULTURAL TV Attend the Annual Multicultural TV Breakfast at INTX This breakfast program is the best opportunity at INTX to re-connect with others in the business of Multicultural TV. Join us Wednesday, May 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at McCormick Place West Room 183AB. Breakfast is followed by a program of two, 30-minute panel discussions*: PANEL 1: REVISING THE BUSINESS OF CONTENT DISTRIBUTION Technology has afforded both programmers and providers with a number of new distribution opportunities for consumers to access and enjoy television and video content. This panel of content acquisition and affiliate relations executives will address how this situation is re-creating the traditional carriage agreement. PANEL 2: AUDIENCES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE Numbers don't lie. Multicultural audiences are simply too large to ignore. The economic impact of these segments on the television business is extraordinary. In this panel, programming and marketing executives share how their companies are attracting these consumers with increased programming options and successful marketing promotions. VISIT MULTICHANNELEVENTS.COM/MULTICULTURALTV FOR THE FULL AGENDA AND SPEAKERS AND TO REGISTER BEFORE SPACE RUNS OUT! This event is produced by Schramm Marketing Group on behalf of Broadcasting & Cable and Multichannel News * Panels subject to change. 