วันอังคารที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Cameras, Lenses and Accessories on Tap at 2015 NAB

Brought to you by: TV Technology Magazine serving the Broadcast, Production, Broadband, Satellite and Mobile Markets
Today's Top Stories - 03.31.15
Deborah McAdams - Executive Editor
Quote of the Day: "All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value." ~ Carl Sagan
On this Day: In 1999, "The Matrix" was released.
NAB 2015 Camera Preview
Some camera makers are holding their cards close to the vest for the show, not wanting to tip their hands to their competitors. One product area that seems primed for new entries is three 2/3rd-inch chip 4K cameras that will allow existing and new long telephoto B4 mount zoom lenses to be used. A couple of companies have them out already, but expect others to join that march.

NAB 2015 Lens Preview
The large, single-sensor 4K cameras have demanded new lenses from lens makers and the 2015 NAB Show will bring them to the floor aplenty.

NAB 2015 Camera Support Gear
As new cameras in new form-factors come onto the market, the makers of camera support equipment rush to bring new tools to make those cameras more usable.

Friday is the Last Day to Nominate a Technology for NewBay Media's
2015 NAB Best of Show Award
The awards will recognize outstanding technologies exhibited at the 2015 NAB Show in April. Fill out the nomination form today.

News & Technology
PRODUCT: Orad Maestro Release Integrates MAM and Social Media
SPORTS: Riedel Builds Communications Network at Sochi Autodrom
CC: DoCaption and CSI Deliver Closed Caption Monitoring Units
PEOPLE: Telestream Expands International Sales Team
PRODUCTION: Myriad Productions Chooses For-A Video Switcher

Industry Roundup
Next-Gen High-Res Video Faces New Fees and Uncertainty (CNET)
600 MHz Commencement of Operations Comments Sought (Rural Spectrum Scanner)
Another Patent Pool Forms For HEVC (SlashDot)
FCC Moves Closer to Adopting new 3.5 GHz Spectrum-sharing Rules (Fierce Wireless)
FAA Grounding Commercial UAS on Websites, YouTube (Wiley on Media)

TV Technology White Papers
"Preparing for the 4K Content Workflow Transition" is an ebook from Quantum that discusses the challenges of building a 4K workflow and how Quantum technology can contribute.
"High Speed Bridge to Cloud Storage" is a new ebook from Signiant that introduces Signiant Flight (previously known as SkyDrop), a SaaS solution for accelerated transfer of content to and from cloud storage.
"Using Cloud Playout to Simplify Your Disaster Recovery Plans" from Imagine Communications describes how using its Cloud Disaster Recovery system can provide private or public cloud-based disaster recovery for broadcast and video playout operations.
"Controlling and Monitoring Studio Displays" from Orad describes the implementation of the Orad TD Control studio display in The Weather Channel's new Atlanta studio.
"The HTTP-Live-Streaming Success Guide" from Encoding.com examines HLS adaptive bitrate technology, HLS encoding parameters and a comparison of HLS platforms.
TV Technology's 'Guide to Closed Captioning' takes a look at several important deadlines as well as new solutions to ensure compliance with FCC rules and enhance closed captioning services.
"Guide to Virtualized Video Infrastructure" is an ebook from Harmonic that takes a closer look at how its virtualized video infrastructure technology is redefining the future of video production and delivery.


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