This year's SXSW Music Festival has come and gone (and most attendees have recovered by now). One of the world's largest music conferences, spread across 100-plus music venues, the annual convocation in Austin, TX brings together bands, brands, fans and more pro audio gear than can be reasonably imagined. Tackling sound reinforcement and sound streaming duties for the British Music Embassy, held at Latitude 30, were a pair of Allen & Heath GLD systems.
by Rob Tavaglione "Today I delivered 26 files, spread across six discs (or folders), to my client for their four song project. Hmm, I remember when that would've been a single 1/4" reel ..."
"God knows what kinds of records and productions I am going to do over the course of my career, however long that lasts, but I have a very big respect for space. When I listen to Booker T. & the M.G.s for instance, the most impressive thing to me is the space. I mean, you could drive a goddam Mack truck through those tracks. [When artists feel the need] to control every second and have their fingers on every string to feel good about a song, it can make it sound so forced. You can hear all this in the recordings though, and you know when it is not relaxed. The point of doing the record in the first place is to make the song stand out. I think even with the larger productions we've done in the past, we've managed to pull this off." Justin Townes Earle