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Big Shows Require Wireless Audio Stability

Brought to you by: TV Technology Magazine serving the Broadcast, Production, Broadband, Satellite and Mobile Markets
Today's Top Stories - 03.03.15
Deborah McAdams - Executive Editor
Quote of the Day: "If you expect the worst, then it's never going to be that bad." ~ Janina Gavankar
On this Day: In 1966, the BBC announced plans to broadcast in colour.
Big Shows Require Wireless Audio Stability
As broadband device manufacturers continue to grow their positions in the market, the demand for wireless microphone systems that are fast and agile will escalate.

Advertising Crowns the Super Bowl Experience ~ by Jay Ankeney
It's an "Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad," world out there, with fake Super Bowl commercials and others supposedly "banned" from the official broadcast, filling cyberspace and TV chat shows for weeks before the game. After the dust had settled they were all available on a skillion Web sites, and this year most featured darned good video quality.

Technology Revolutionizing the Post Industry
High resolution, sound, color, frame rate, stereoscopic 3D, interaction, platforms for content consumption: these are the current tech trends identified by Michael Stein, head of technology at MPC...

NewBay Media's Best of Show Awards Returns for 2015 NAB Show
NewBay Media is bringing back the Best of Show Awards for the second consecutive year. The awards will recognize outstanding technologies exhibited at the 2015 NAB Show in April. Winners are selected by a panel of editors and expert contributors for NewBay Media publications, including TV Technology, Digital Video, Video Edge, Radio, Radio World, ProSound News and Sound & Video Contractor.

News & Technology
INT'L: Quantum Launches StorNext Pro Foundation Shared Storage in Europe
ARCHIVE: Imagine and Sony Partner on New LTFS Archiving
INT'L: GearBox Expands U.K. Rental Adds Grass Valley LDX Cameras
WORKFLOW: Quantel Releases sQ Servers
eBOOK: Guide to Virtualized Video Infrastructure

Industry Roundup
Magid: LTE Broadcast Technology Could Change Mobile Video Experience (San Jose Mercury News)
Drones Cost $28,000 Per Arrest, On Average (Radio World)
Aereo Bankruptcy Auction Fetches Less Than $2 Million (CNET)
Buzz Aldrin's Vintage Selfie From Space (engadget)
EVS Revenue Up 1.8 Percent in 2014, Appoints New CEO (Devoncroft)

TV Technology White Papers
"High Speed Bridge to Cloud Storage" is a new ebook from Signiant that introduces Signiant Flight (previously known as SkyDrop), a SaaS solution for accelerated transfer of content to and from cloud storage.
"Using Cloud Playout to Simplify Your Disaster Recovery Plans" from Imagine Communications describes how using its Cloud Disaster Recovery system can provide private or public cloud-based disaster recovery for broadcast and video playout operations.
"Controlling and Monitoring Studio Displays" from Orad describes the implementation of the Orad TD Control studio display in The Weather Channel's new Atlanta studio.
"The HTTP-Live-Streaming Success Guide" from Encoding.com examines HLS adaptive bitrate technology, HLS encoding parameters and a comparison of HLS platforms.
TV Technology's 'Guide to Closed Captioning' takes a look at several important deadlines as well as new solutions to ensure compliance with FCC rules and enhance closed captioning services.


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