Title II: Part II; A Most Unusual Transmitter Plant
Live Long and Prosper in Our Memory, Leonard Radio World and many in radio loved "Star Trek." From all the "Scottys" in our business: We'll miss you, Leonard.
A Most Unusual Transmitter Plant Early transmission facilities tended to have a "more power = more range," theme. James O'Neal has the story of an early experiment in making antennas and transmission facilities more efficient with their power.
Welcome to the Obamanet (Wall Street Journal) "The Federal Communications Commission's decision Thursday to regulate the Internet as a public utility is a depressing moment for American innovation and economic liberty."
FCC Votes to Protect the Internet With Title II (The Verge) "Net neutrality has won at the FCC. In a 3-to-2 vote, the Federal Communications Commission today established a new Open Internet Order that implements strict net neutrality rules, including prohibitions on site and app blocking, speed throttling, and paid fast lanes."
Senate Commerce Passes FCC Consolidated Reports Bill (B&C) In other Washington news: A bill that consolidates multiple FCC reports to Congress into one larger, comprehensive report passed through an important Senate committee. A similar bill has already passed in the House.
Reviving the Southwest With Community Radio (Radio Survivor) Call it the Southwest version of "Northern Exposure." In Superior, Ariz., a former mining town that has seen better days, Art Holt tries to get a Part 15 on the air to help the community turn itself around and develop a positive image.