LPFM on Fire A New eBook from Radio World is Now Available The expansion of the low-power FM service in the United States continues apace, bringing a fresh injection of signals to the band after the recent FCC application window. Counting both original and new LPFM stations, some 963 were on the air as of January 2015, according to the FCC database, and another 1,567 construction permits have been issued, with more to come. Such numbers are impressive but don't reveal the breadth of new content, program ideas and enthusiastic people behind the statistics. In this eBook, Radio World hears from five of these new broadcasters. In Kileen, Texas, a new radio signal will serve military veterans, families and their supporters. In top-10 market Philadelphia, a nonprofit community media center has found an FM frequency that covers half a million potential listeners. Down I-95, Radio Newark plans to bring its unique programming about astronomy, chemistry, engineering and other scientific topics to the dial. A local news organization in Haverhill, Mass., has found another outlet for its content. And Ronald Reagan's boyhood hometown in Illinois will be hearing its own Christian radio station with a strong signal in town. Read it free now click here! Produced by the editors of RADIO WORLD.