H.A.S. Productions has become the centerpoint of VUE Audiotechnik's Southwestern rental network, having added more than 100 VUE loudspeaker boxes added to its rental inventory.
by Clive Young The Pro Sound News team was all over this year's NAMM Show in Anaheim, CA, sharing the sights with followers through an endless stream of photos on Twitter (@prosoundnews) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/prosoundnews). Here's some of what was seen on the scene, just as it was shared on social media.
"The biggest thing is you have to be a fan of what you're mixing. I don't think you give an audience what they want or do a band justice otherwise, because you're not paying attention to the nuances, the little things that people expect to hear. If you don't give that to them, then you're letting the audience down. I truly believe that I'm the advocate for the audienceFOH guys are there to ask them to buy a ticket next year." Brian Simon, FOH engineer, Foreigner.