วันพุธที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

"Super Stream Sunday," State of the Union Address, PBS Digital Studios, "Blackhat" Workflow, Angela Bassett, "Birdman" in Times Square, "Black Mirror"

TV Programming Digital Media Film Production/Post/Sound Radio Enterprise Live/Public Spaces
January 21, 2015
Connect 2 Media & Entertainment, which launched in 2013, is a resource to help you as a media professional keep up with developments not only in your own business segment but across all industry sectors. Find out what's happening in TV, radio, digital media, film, event spaces, enterprise, and much more by visiting www.c2meworld.com each day.

Angela Bassett Brings an Actor's Sensibilities to the Director's Chair with "Whitney"
Angela Bassett discusses making her directorial debut with the Lifetime biopic "Whitney," which focuses on the life of superstar Whitney Houston. "When I thought about directing," she says, "I always thought it must be almost impossible."
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NBCU Introduces "Super Stream Sunday"
NBCUniversal said it will use Super Bowl Sunday to tee up "Super Stream Sunday," a TV Everywhere tilt that will showcase 11 continuous hours of NBC content, highlighted by the Super Bowl XLIX matchup between the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots, and the mid-season debut of "The Blacklist."
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SOTU: President Intends To Protect Open Internet
Said President Obama during his State of the Union Speech, "I intend to protect a free and open internet, extend its reach to every classroom and every community."
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EC3 Goes Global on Workflow for "Blackhat"
Michael Mann's thriller "Blackhat" follows hackers through a network of cyber terror that extends from the US to Hong Kong and Jakarta and beyond. As he's frequently done before, the director encouraged his cinematographer, Stuart Dryburgh, ASC, to use the best camera for each setup, even if it meant mixing multiple files, formats and codecs.
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Through a Google Glass Darkly: "Black Mirror" on Netflix
It's hard to escape the irony of being prodded about the perils of techno-addiction within the frame of an entertainment brought to you by a company whose market value depends on the very ubiquity of those black mirrors.
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The "Birdman" Times Square Scene: How They Did It
Much has been made of "Birdman" director/co-writer Alejandro González Iñárritu's conceit of making a movie that seems to be one continuous, two-hour shot. Each sequence offered challenges, but the Times Square scene introduced special difficulties.
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Streaming Diversifies
Streaming audio has captured again our attention again, as we focus on four developments that indicate where this growing market is headed.
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How PBS—That's Right, PBS—Learned to Thrive on YouTube
One of the coolest, most successful, and frankly surprising digital experiments has come from the Public Broadcasting Service.
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Times Square is Yawning, Thanks to Sebastian Errazuriz
Artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz started the new year by taking over a host of illuminated Times Square billboards for a nightly installation called "A Pause in the City That Never Sleeps."
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More Articles & Insights
TELEVISION: NBA's 4K Telecast: Spectacular Views from London »
LIVE & PUBLIC SPACES: The Museum of the Future Is Here »
PROGRAMMING: Norman Lear: The Original Disruptor »
TELEVISION: NHK Confirms 8K Plans »
TELEVISION: Diverse Shows Finding Flavor With Viewers »
DIGITAL MEDIA: Making "Tracks" Interactive: A New Book and App Update An Amazing Journey »


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