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Radio World NewsBytes: Patents Holiday Special


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Special Edition: Patents - 01.01.15

Through this holiday season, Radio World NewsBytes features special roundups of the best of our 2014 editorial coverage. In this issue, a sampling of stories about patent cases involving music storage and automation technology, HD Radio transmission technology and attempts by the White House and CEA to persuade Congress to pass patent reform legislation.

Harman, D&M Settle Patent Suits (February)
Studer filed suit against D&M and Calrec in October, 2011, alleging that D&M and Calrec infringed three Studer patents for its FaderGlow technology. The companies settled in February.

White House Renews Patent Reform Push (February)
President Obama's White House revealed a new set of executive actions to combat so-called "patent trolls." The issue is of interest to radio since several radio groups are facing lawsuits over the use of music storage and automation as well as in-band, on-channel digital radio technologies.

Supremes Relax Patent "Loser Pays" (May)
The Supreme Court released two rulings in patent cases that could make it easier for those sued by patent trolls to get their attorney fees paid. The court called the current standard for requiring the losing party of an unreasonable patent infringement case to pay the attorney's fees of the winning party "unduly rigid."

CEA Unveils "Troll Toll" (May)
The Consumer Electronics Association stepped up its lobbying for patent reform by unveiling the "Troll Toll," a running tally of what the association estimates patent trolls have cost the U.S. economy.

Leahy Pulls Patent Reform Bill (May)
Saying that after a year of negotiations with no agreement, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy pulled his patent reform bill from the markup agenda. The tech industry says anti-troll legislation has been dealt a potentially fatal blow.

IBiquity Jumps Into Patent Fray (July)
Initially, Wyncomm/Delaware Radio Technologies filed suits against users of 14 radio groups, alleging they own the HD Radio technology patents. In July, tech developer iBiquity Digital asked the court to declare Wyncomm/DRT HD Radio patent claims invalid.

Radio Owners Seek Patent Suit Dismissal (July)
Fourteen radio groups backed up iBiquity Digital's claims (see story above) and say they're not infringing on HD patents. They say the claims are unenforceable and asked the judge to dismiss the case.

IBiquity, OEM Spar in Court (August)
IBiquity Digital wants a federal court to dismiss a patent suit filed by an automotive receiver supplier. IBiquity and OEM supplier Continental, which inherited the contract when it acquired operations from Siemens, have been arguing over terms and patent royalty payments.

Broadcasters: Combine HD Radio Suits (September)
An attempt by 14 radio broadcast groups to unite efforts to fend off a patent infringement lawsuit targeting their HD Radio data and voice transmissions is in the hands of Judge Gregory Sleet. He will decide whether the broadcasters can consolidate their cases and then be granted a stay while the iBiquity suit continues forward. Wyncomm and Delaware Radio Technologies are fighting the efforts of the radio groups to consolidate their different lawsuits.

Patent Reform Is Senate Priority in 2015 (November)
Legislation to "beat back" so-called patent trolls is a priority that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on and the Senate GOP leadership said the measure will be a priority in 2015. The White House supports patent reform legislation to curb abuse of the process, we've reported.

Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
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Around the Industry
Downloading "Serial" (Antenna)
Jason Mitchell started his own serial of thoughts after getting hooked on the popular podcast, "Serial." Here's is his "serial."
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Behind Your Radio Dial (You Tube)
A "tour" of NBC's (mostly) radio facilities in New York, from 1947.

iPhone vs. Lawnmower (CNET)
No surprise on who wins that battle. CNET collected two dozen pictures of mobile devices that have had unfortunate encounters with other, larger devices or the ground. Some still work.

Calendar of Events

International CES
Jan. 6–9
Las Vegas

EBU Production Technology Seminar 2015
Jan. 27–29
Geneva, Switzerland

SC Broadcasters Association Winter Conference & Broadcast Exhibition
Jan. 29–30
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
Columbia, S.C.

SBE Local Chapter Certification Exams
Feb. 6–16

Salon de la Radio
Feb. 8–10
Paris, France

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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