Robair Report | Fundamentals As often as possible, we need to remind the people we mentor that the fundamentals of audio apply to both studio and stage. And in many instances, the tools and techniques we use on either gig are not as different as they might think. | | Top Stories | Rose Mann-Cherney Steps Down as President of Record Plant Recording Studios As Mix's February 2015 issue was going to press, longtime studio executive Rose Mann-Cherney announced that she has stepped down as president of Record Plant Recording Studios. Mann-Cherney will retain an equity stake in the company moving forward. "We thank Rose for her years of service to Record Plant," says Record Plant CEO Rick Stevens. "She has been a tremendous asset to our organization and the industry at large. We wish her the best of luck." Bettye LaVette: Breaking the Rules for 'Worthy' "I've worked as a producer with a lot of legacy artistspeople who have enough history and mean enough to us as listeners, whether that's Solomon Burke or Harry Belafonte or Allen Toussaint or Mavis Staplesand it's important to know how to honor the artist's legacy but not be trapped by it," says Joe Henry, discussing his latest production of Bettye LaVette. Harman Acquires SM Pro Audio Harman in Northridge, Calif., announces its acquisition of SM Pro Audio, based in Melbourne, Australia. Harman is incorporating SM Pro Audio into the Harman Professional Division as a developer of pro audio and musical instrument (MI) technologies across Harman's professional product brands. Avid Announces New Audio Innovations at NAMM At Winter NAMM 2015, Avid introduces a free version of Pro Tools, flexible licensing, cloud collaboration, new marketplace services, and cloud publishing to help audio professionals create, collaborate, and distribute music as part of a global ecosystem. NAMM 2015: 'Birth of a Record' Panel on January 24 On Saturday, January 24 at this year's Winter NAMM Show, Don Was and Ed Cherney will join moderator Mr. Bonzai in an exploration of the inception and creation of Bonnie Raitt's 1989 album release, Nick of Time, which is being inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame for 2015. The 'Birth of a Record' panel will take place from 2 p.m. until 2:50 p.m. on Level Two of the Anaheim Convention Center in The Forum (203 A-B). NAMM H.O.T. Zone Spotlight: TECnology Hall of Fame Presented by the NAMM Museum of Making Music and produced by the folks who produce the TEC Awards, the TECnology Hall of Fame ceremony features the true veterans of the industry recognizing and celebrating the technical breakthroughs of their mentors and industry pioneers. Hosted by audio historian George Petersen. NAMM 2015: 'An Afternoon of Artist Development' with Ken, Caillat, Colbie Caillat and Toby Gad on January 23 » NAMM 2015: 'Meet the Makers' Panel Presented by Vintage King on Friday, January 23, at 4 p.m. » | | Featured Products | MOTU 112D Digital Audio Interface, Router, Mixer, Converter At the 2015 NAMM Show, MOTU (Booth #6410) debuted the 112D ($1,495) Thunderbolt-equipped digital audio interface, router, format converter and mixer. The seventh in a series of new, high-end audio interfaces from MOTU, the 112D serves as the flagship digital interface of the new line, offering 24 channels of AES/EBU, 24 channels of ADAT optical and 64 channels of MADI (AES10) for a total of 112 simultaneous digital I/O channels, all in a single rackspace. Solid State Logic VHD Pre Module for 500 Series Racks At the 2015 Winter NAMM Show, in Booth #6900, Solid State Logic announces the release of the VHD Pre Module for the 500 Series format modular rack platform. The release makes the VHD based preamp technology from Duality, SSL's industry leading large format studio console, available for studios of all sizes. Universal Audio Apollo Expanded Software Apollo Expanded software will be available exclusively for UA Apollo audio interfaces in March 2015 as part of UAD Software Version 8. With Apollo Expanded, users of Thunderbolt-equipped Apollo Twin, Apollo DUO, Apollo QUAD, and Apollo 16 audio interfaces can freely combine up to four Apollos and six total UAD-2 devices, adding I/O and DSP as needed. Apollo Expanded also marks the introduction of Console V. 2 software, giving Thunderbolt-equipped Apollo users dynamic new workflow options, with more than 25 new user-requested features. Harman's Soundcraft Signature 22MTK, Signature 12MTK Analog Mixing Consoles The Signature 22MTK and Signature 12MTK feature 22 and 12 input channels, respectively, with integrated multitrack USB interfaces. Both small-format consoles feature onboard Lexicon effects, Soundcraft's Ghost microphone preamps and additional enhancements to deliver studio-quality, multitrack recording. M1 Distribution Premieres Seven New Analog Products M1 Distribution, an international distributor of high-end, boutique recording equipment, is introducing seven new analog products at the 2015 NAMM Convention, including new gear from Shadow Hills Industries, Black Box Analog, Mesanovic Microphones, Overstayer Recording Equipment and Buzz Audio at Booth #6859 in Hall A. Cakewalk ProChannel Support for Boz Digital Labs' New David Bendeth Compressor Plug-In » | | Announcements From Mix | Winter NAMM, January 22-25 The NAMM Show, held in in the Anaheim Convention Center, is one of the world's largest global music industry trade events annually attracting 96,000 members of the music industry to Anaheim. One component of NAMM's Educational Sessions, the H.O.T. (Hands-On Training) Zone provides live educational sessions and innovative ideas for professionals in the pro audio, recording, live sound, DJ, entertainment technologies, music business, and stage and lighting industries. It takes place on Level 2 of the Anaheim Convention Center. Tommy Vicari, leading mixing engineer and longtime user of PMC, will be on hand at the company's NAMM booth (Hall A, Booth 6598) to demonstrate the newly launched twotwo sub2 active subwoofer, the latest addition to the twotwo range of active near-field monitors. » Prism Sound offers special price reduction at Winter NAMM Customers who purchase a Prism Sound Atlas, Titan or Lyra audio interface between now and January 31, 2015, will receive an automatic 5% discount on the published list price. Anyone interested in taking up this offer may email or visit the company at NAMM in booth #7120 where these productsand many more from Prism Sound, SADiE and Maselecwill be on show. | | For Advertising Information, contact: | | |  | |  | |