วันจันทร์ที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

dbx-tv Total Technology: Hear the difference for yourself

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Hear the difference for yourself

dbx-tv Total Technology.2015 International CES

dbx-tv Total Technology: Award-winning digital signal processing that enables the best sound possible from the small speakers in TVs and Sound Bars and other CE devices. Visit us at CES 2015 at the Westgate Hotel, Suite #304

CE Products with dbx-tv Total Technology
Total Sonics.Total Volume.Total Surround


dbx-tv Total Technology is now featured in Hisense H6 Series TVs and the Geneva Labs Model Cinema speaker. Visit Hisense at CES Central Hall Booth 8643 or www.hisense-usa.com and Geneva at www.genevalab.com

For more information, visit our website or email info@dbx-tv.com. For a demonstration at CES call +1-530-346-3276

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